Series on pines from the Muskoka area

Sometimes a simple idea or thought can mushroom into a wonderful series. About a month ago I was going through my photos of canoe camping trips in the Algonquin Provincial Park and Killarney Provincial Park. I was reminded how their astounding natural beauty. So I decided that maybe this area was deserving of a few paintings. I tried to paint these in a simple fashion that have impact. 
Danielle Beaulieu's series of Muskoka pines

Deciding what to paint wasn't as easy since there are so many different viewpoints. In the end, I created the following watercolours not by replicating any of the scenes, but in the spirit of the areas.  
Danielle Beaulieu's series of Muskoka pines

What I really liked about these two areas are the magnificent pines silhouetted against the clear skies and the amazing rock formations that support those trees and comprise our Canadian shield. In addition, in Killarney the lakes are clear and deep. Therefore, you often see beautiful reflections of the landscapes onto the water.

Not only are these studies very interesting to paint but I am also having a great time finding different trees and rock structures that are typical of these areas.

Danielle Beaulieu's series of Muskoka pines

Danielle Beaulieu's series of Muskoka pines

I’ve also been painting landscapes of a different style which provide a calming effect. You’ll have to wait to next week to see these.

These new paintings will prominently be featured in my two upcoming shows.

