Loving Art

There is no denying that I love art. In the past couple of years I think about art every day. My first thoughts of the day are about what I should paint next and I go to bed every night reading about art.

Growing up, I saw my mom take a few painting classes. However, aside from that, I wasn’t raised in an “art environment”. When I moved to Ottawa to attend university, I started visiting art galleries and shortly after I started buying original art. I only have original art on my walls.  I don't have any recollection of how all of this started.

During my travels, I seek out museums and art galleries. Some of my favorite areas to see art include the Charlevoix area, Paris and the New England states because there are so many places that have paintings from the impressionists (Monet, Renoir, Pissaro, etc).

When I started experimented with watercolours a few years ago, I became a serious student of art, even though my study has always been autodidactic. I’ve read dozens of books on various artists I’ve come to love the technical aspects of the art and the craft involved in creating it. Ever more, though, is my love of an artist’s ability to communicate. When I’m studying Greek and Roman art, I’m reminded of the beautiful sculptures and temples that I’ve seen when visiting Greece or Italy. I also have countless books, magazines and videos (more than I care to admit to) on colour principles, design, techniques, compositions, principles, etc. and subscribe to numerous newsletters from various artists.

I am also amazed by the proximity artwork gives me to human history. When I’ve had the good fortune of standing in front of Greek statues and temples, I feel the electricity of knowing an artist, a fellow human, is reaching across time and space to talk to me. I’ll feel that same wonder as I stand in front of a Van Gogh and realize that those brush strokes, mere inches in front of me, were put there by the hand of the great artist. How lucky I am to be able to experience the art!

As my love for art grows, I’ve come to several conclusions about my appreciation for art. First, I’ve decided I don’t have to limit my love for art to one style or period. I can love realism, abstract, pop art and every other style without my love for any one of them diminishing because of the breadth of my interest. Through art, I can see that we all experience the world in different ways, and see different things. Art allows me to see and understand the world from another perspective.

I’ve also learned to enjoy the unexpected. I must admit to seeking big name artists and their famous paintings or sculptures when visiting a museum, but I also enjoy seeing something that is different. I also love visiting various shows around the area to discover the art of currently working artists.

Last weekend, I was at the Nepean Fine Arts League Show and met some very interesting artists. It was so interesting to see what they were doing and even more interesting to talk to them about their art and their lives.

Given the number of artists that have lived and exist today, you might think that we’ve seen it all. Well think again. Every time I attend an art show, I see something innovative. Sometimes I see subjects that are common with a fresh approach as an artist brings new perspective, insight and technique to bear on them.

How much does art matter to you? Let me know using the comment section below.

Here is a landscape painting completed this week. My focus was on creating various shapes and diagonal lines in juxtaposition with the vertical lines of the tree trunks.

Danielle Beaulieu's watercolour "Around the bend"

Have a good week,

p.s. Having sold four paintings this week, I want to thank these new supporters who encourage me to continue painting.
