Modern art at MOMA

Last week I told you about my upcoming trip to NYC. One of the museum that we're scheduled to visit is the Museum of Modern Art, commonly known as MOMA.

I've been looking at their web site to get a glimpse of what I'll be seeing. What I saw didn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.  I must admit to feeling like a fish out of water when I see modern (abstract) art.  Being in a gallery or museum with modern art makes me uneasy because I don't know what it's about.  Since some of it doesn't contain any recognizable objects, I feel like I have to point of reference.

Maybe someone on the art tour can explain some of the art I'll be seeing at MOMA.  I have no clue on how to begin understanding abstract art.

Danielle's creation
This past week, I painted a different type of floral. I had never painted an orchid. To ensure the background flows, I masked the flowers and used large brushes to apply the three washes. Once completed, I removed the masking and painted the flowers - with 5 different blues.  I painted this for the art component of an upcoming orchid show. However, I might need to start over since I marked the paper when I applied the masking and those marks, although not apparent on this photo, are not appealing when you look up close.
Danielle Beaulieu's blue orchid

I also started two new apple blossoms in the past week that I'll share in coming weeks.

Have a great week,
