Similarities between watercolour and garden design

Some of you may know that I also have another blog. The content of those articles is for watercolorists. Last September, one blog article dealt with design principles. When looking over that article, I can’t help but notice that there are similarities between design principles for watercolours and gardens.

Here are some of those principles.

1. Unity 
  • Watercolour: To create some unity the treatment of the element that appears in one section of your painting should be echoed in another part so that all sections are related.
  • Gardening: to create unity , have repeat plants in various parts of the garden. 
2. Conflict
  • Watercolour: colour conflict is created when you use two colours that are directly opposite from each other in the colour wheel.
  • Gardening: Use plants that have blooms that are opposite each other on the colour wheel. 

3. Dominance
  • Watercolour: There are different ways to get dominance such as having a larger shape of a certain value or soft textures.  
  • Gardening: It’s important to use plants of various leaf size. I occasionally plant a hosta with very large leaves to have a dominant plan. 
4. Repetition
  • Watercolour: Repetition can be used to unify and make the painting hold together.  
  • Gardening: Repetition of groups of plants creates rhythms of shapes that the eye can enjoy. 
5. Balance
  • Watercolour: Balance can be achieved in two ways: with symmetry and asymmetry. Although two equally-sized spaces can be balance and represent stability to the subject, it is also boring and static. 
  • Gardening: To bring some visual excitement, consider asymmetric shapes, such as trees or plans of different sizes.
6. Harmony
  • Watercolour: Elements with harmony are those that are similar or have an affinity for each other. The degree of harmony or discord in a painting can be used to show either tranquility of dynamic movement.
  • Gardening: gardens with similar theme colours such as white or blue provide tranquility while those with orange and purple flowers appear dynamic.
Design principles for my garden is important since I have half an acre of landscaped garden mostly of perennials.(see link to the left of my garden)

Later today, I'll be attending the vernissage of the Ottawa Watercolour Society Juried Show at the Shenkman Centre since one of my paintings was accepted in the show.  I'm looking forward to seeing some exceptional watercolours.
I've been spending much time in the garden lately. Therefore, my painting time has been significantly reduced.   Here is a painting I'm working on. Once the leaves and background are completed, the blooms should pop up more.  It's also taking a while to paint since it is large - 20" X 24". Hopefully we'll all get so see a finished product next weekend. 
Danielle Beaulieu WIP apple blossoms
 Have a great week



  1. this is so beautiful, can't wait to see the finished piece!!


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