Frick Collection in New York City

Last weekend a couple of artist friends and I visited New York City.  We saw a few art museums and other sites.  One of the highlights was our visit to the Frick Museum. 

The Frick Collection is a beautiful museum near Central Park. The lighting in the lobby is dim and makes the interior feel peaceful.  The staircase is absolutely beautiful. Everything is so well kept and cared for. The museum holds a beautiful collection of so many famous works of art. Since my artist friends have extensive knowledge of the masters' works (Vermeer, Rembrandt, Constable, Turner), I received personalized commentaries for many of the paintings. They know so much about the backstories, and history of the artists and the art. Bonus!

The indoor garden/courtyard area also smells great from the flowers and plants in it and the live flowers in the lobby area make the museum smell really good!

There is a short video about the museum, Henry Frick, and the history of it all, which is actually really interesting and informative. I would almost recommend watching the video and then going to view the other rooms in the museum because it really informs how you see the artwork as a whole.

I'd definitely recommend this museum to people who enjoy extensively decorated old homes, sculptures, statues, and paintings.  Also on the plus side, this place is not overly crowded like the Met.

To read more on this museum, I suggest you read my other blog.

On the drive there and back, we drove through an area in Pennsylvania called the Poconos. It was beautiful to see the rolling hills and farms here and there.  One scene stuck in my mind where there were farms at various levels in the mountain. When I got home, I painted what I had in my memory and this is what turned out. Although the leaves hadn't come out, I thought I would add some to this scene.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour of the poconos
In addition to having a lot of fun, this trip provided numerous inspirations for future paintings. I've got photos of various flowers, flowering trees, buildings and treasures from the Hell's Kitchen Flea market that will find themselves in paintings in the coming year.  Who knows what I'll paint in the coming weeks.

Have a great week,
