Picasso - From Africa to the Americas

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts currently has an exhibit entitled: From Africa to the Americas: Face-to-Face Picasso, Past and Present. This exhibits gives us some insights on how Picasso tapped into Africa to redefine art in the 20th century. It is a new way to view Picasso and the influence of Africa.

During this exhibit you see a number of African and other art (including Rousseau) that Picasso acquired, not necessarily as a personal art collection but to have an internal dialogue about the meaning of art.

“The greatest artistic emotion I have felt was when I was suddenly struck by the sublime beauty of the sculptures carved by anonymous artists in Africa,” Picasso would say. “Passionately religious, yet rigorously logical, these works are the most powerful and most beautiful things ever produced by the human imagination.”

I visited the exhibit with a number artists from the local art association.  The overall response to the exhibit was varied.  Some truly loved it while others were disappointed and thought the exhibit consisted of second grade Picasso paintings or didn't have sufficient Picasso paintings.

Although I'm not a huge Picasso fan, I found the exhibit interesting, especially as I'm watching the National Geographic anthology series Genius - Picasso.  The exhibit makes one think of what motivates us during different periods of our lives.

Here are a few pics from that exhibit.

Although, we're in the thick of gardening season, I am still finding time to paint.  I finished my first painting of crystal containers on blue fabric.  Hope you like it.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour crystal
Have a great day,
