Too many colours

Next week is Black Friday.  It's highly likely that a number of watercolorists will be purchasing more colours.

You'll come across some teachers whose list of recommended colours is quite extensive.  Other times you'll have others who recommend just a few colours and mix all colours they need.  Is there a right approach? Not really.  Although most watercolorists have lots of colours, they typically use just a few.  Convenience colours are great, but often don't get much usage.

For those who find good deals for Black Friday, I hope that you find great deals on good paper and your most commonly used colours.

Here is a little WIP demo from my Christmas Card 2022 workshop.  On Tuesday, we will finish this lovely scene.

On December 1st, members of the Kanata Art Club will be able to register for my new class starting on January 19th - March 2, 2022.  The theme is rusted locks and old wood:  Here is one of the photos we will paint. We will be utilizing some of the techniques of watercolour such as stippling, splattering, sponging, washes, tints, and lifting.

Can you see all of the colours in this photo... from the teal to browns, greys, blues, mauve, burnt sienna, etc.?

Have you subscribed to my newsletter to see all of the new paintings and workshops? Register here:

Have a great week

