Old lanterns

In the past year and a half year, my interest in old items, whether tools or old blue jars has continued to increase. I have painted a few and have also acquired a few blue jars and old tools (including an old push lawn mower). At that point I didn't put a label on these paintings. Strangely enough, I didn't consider them as "still life". I thought still life was typically comprised of an arrangement of objects (traditionally flowers or kitchen utensils or fruits with objects) laid out on a table.

Seeking out and photographing antique items has been wonderful and I enjoy trying to portray them in flattering situations.  It's probably because I have so much respect for their endurance and the value they brought to previous generations

Exploring how to capture the essence of time and place of these subjects with watercolour  has and continues to be an interesting journey.

In the past week, I painted these three old lanterns.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour of old lantern
Have a great week,
