Comparing wine and art

It's no secret that I like art. I also like wine.  Can the two be compared? Here are my two cents on the topic.

Let's look at colour. The color of a wine is an indicator of the age of the wine. Some wines are lighter in colour like a Pinot Noir. While a Cabernet Sauvignon is a deep burgundy. For the artist, colour is very important. It can set the mood, it impacts emotions and can make a key topic pop out. 

With watercolours, viscosity will add or reduce the transparency of the paint. Increased viscosity adds more weight to the painting.  Viscosity in wine is about the alcohol or body of a wine.

Taste is very subjective in both wine and art, however, there are some generally acceptable principles about what is better.

Complexity in a wine means different blended flavours one can taste. In painting, complexity refers to the details, composition and various mixes of colours.

There are many comparison between the two, maybe that's why I enjoy both ;-)

Here is this week's painting.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour more wine please

Here are some of the previous steps.
Today I'm enjoying both as I've been invited to exhibit my paintings at the Italian wine club tasting event. We'll be tasting eight wines while enjoying pairings with some delicious food.  Patrons will be wandering through the area and looking at my paintings, including the new painting above.  What a wonderful way to spend a few hours.

Have a great week
