Artist Style

Whether it's their intention or not, artists develop a unique style. Style is developed over time. Sometimes this happens on accident, sometimes on purpose, and often times both.

You can recognize style by the message, techniques, color choices, compositions, subject matter and/or media. The best part about style is that it continues to evolve over time.

It's easy to identify someone who is in the exploratory phase of their art. When an artist jumps around between many subjects, or when their pieces are lined up together and appear as if a they all could come from different artists as if they haven’t quite figured out their style yet.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this! It takes time and a lot of work to develop a style. 

To cultivate a unique style it's important that the artist has a solid grounding in the basics. By basics, I mean that a person is comfortable and somewhat proficient with  drawing, composition, colour control and other technical skills. 

Here is a little painting for an upcoming workshop. 

Today I spent some time workshop on a special project. Here is my WIP for my Kanata Art Club class on Cut Crystal.

If you want to hear from my upcoming workshops and when there is still some availability, I suggest that you sign up to my newsletter.

I still have a few spots in the following workshops and classes

  • Old lock on Sat Oct 16 and 23
  • Squashes on Sun Oct 24
  • Fruits which are key to introduce in your still life on Thursday evenings from November 4 to December 9th.  During these classes, I provide you a great level of instruction and feedback.

Have a great week,

