A myriad of digital experiences in the form of webinars, live streams, workshops, and online summits has provided golden opportunities to artists from across the world who want to create and learn while  finding connection and reducing distance.

Online classes have also allowed me find purpose in helping others. I can't describe the pleasures that I've experienced in  seeing numerous budding artists grow in my classes.  In the past year, I started teaching 6-week classes for the Kanata Art Club.  These have allowed me to plan the progression necessary to allow participants to learn the building blocks necessary for some subjects that are deemed complicated such as crystal and silver. Starting in January, I'll be teaching how to paint different fabrics and apply different colour theories.

In addition to making an impact by teaching, I feel that my own artworks have benefitted.  Teaching has forced me to have a heightened sense of observation in order to "translate" photos  and techniques to class participants. This increased sense of observation has been used on my own paintings. 

Here is my latest painting. This cat belongs to my daughter-in-law and this painting was part of her Christmas gifts.

Here is the reference photo that I used. Do you see a resemblance?

It is likely that I'll be teaching a class on painting animals sometime in the new year. For now I'm off to prepare for my class on colourful fabrics.

With regard to my workshop. I still have to come up with ideas. There is one planned for a gorgeous teacup and blueberries.  Who knows what will be next. I hope that you are a subscriber to my newsletter to be one of the first to find out about my new workshops and classes.

I am very grateful for this community of readers. Sharing my art and stories is an absolute joy for me and I will continue sharing in the new year.

Wishing you all the best wishes for a bright New Year.

Warm Regards,

