Gain Momentum

 "Without a gradual accumulation of so-called mistakes, nothing evolves or moves forward"

-  David DuChemin

I just spent the last three days attending "Watercolor Live" . this is an online conference of watercolorists. We witness numerous talented artists from all over the world create beautiful paintings.

In one form of another each performing watercolorist explained the importance of  "hours on the brush" and how making mistakes was part of the learning process.

In his book "Start Ugly: the unexpected path of everyday creativity" , David DuChemin explains how the making of anything, including watercolours, is an evolutionary progression. This process of constant tumbling can be terrifying for some.

Although I'm extremely grateful for my students, I also encourage them to paint on their own as they need to stumble on their own and develop the problem solving skills in order for them to get better.  the soon you begin to make those mistakes, the sooner anyone will gain momentum to improve one's skills.

Here is my latest demo painting.

Next week we'll start painting a shiny fabric.

I still have a few opening in my two upcoming workshops

Have  a great week,

