Recognizable style

If you look at art on social media do you recognize the work of an artist before you even see their name?

Most accomplished art have their own style.  Style is basically the manner in which the artist portrays his or her subject matter and how the artist expresses his or her vision.

Some of the characteristics that I recognize from an artist includes the subject, color, composition and technique. All of these stylistic elements are defined by the choices artists make as they create their artwork.

An artist's style can change and adapt as the artist gains more experience. I encourage beginning artists on developing their own style and finding their own unique way of expression. An artist's personal style usually progresses as the artist gains more confidence through experience, expands their knowledge and acquires more skills with the materials.

Do you recognize my work when you see it on Facebook or Instagram?

In the past couple of weeks I've been painting a few of my blue jars with some tangerines. Here is my progress so far.  There is still masking fluid on the outline of the jars until I finish the background.

If you're interested in seeing the final painting, I suggest that you subscribe to my newsletter.

This week I will start painting a stack of quilts with my Kanata Art Club class. I enjoy nudging class participants beyond their skill levels.  However, this project will require lots of time to complete which may not be possible for some.  They will choose a simpler version.

Have a great week,

