
Leaning against my bookcase full of watercolour paintings is a painting I created in 2017.  This painting is framed in a barnwood frame that my husband build for me. Back then I was working I had just started painting antique objects.  I was just starting my journey of painting texture.  The subject of this painting is a stack of wagon wheels and that scene still appeals to me.  

I see the painting all of the time because it is in my studio, however, I do not take it to shows because....  well it's just not as good as my current paintings.  

A few days ago I had the idea of a makeover and jumped right it to basically repaint most of it.  I just love the fact that watercolours is so easy to add more layers.  The painting is not quite finished but it should be done by tomorrow..  It will be bringing it with me to the Buckhorn Festival of the Arts and I'm excited to see the reaction.

A couple of days ago, I posted my next workshop. We will be painting the Abbaye Notre Dame de Sénanque in Provence on September 24 and October 1st. It didn't take long before most spots filled up.  There are only three spots left.  You can find the details here.

Have  a creative week

