Learning by copying

This week a few of my online friends on ArtTutor and I embarked on an experiment of copying the wonderful work of Joe Cibere.

So why would an artist want to copy other people’s work. The answer is to learn and to find inspiration. Copying works of arts gives us some insight into the creative process which cannot be learned in other manners.

This approach has been used for centuries. This tradition is what enables successive generations of artists to develop not only their esthetic senses but also their techniques which are based upon time tested principles

Attitudes toward art has changed and fewer and fewer artists pay homage to the old masters. Today’s art requires special knowledge and insights about what we call modern art. Those who continue to want to emulate the old masters are often looked down as not having a lack of commitment to pushing this envelope on new art. As evidence, most new museums are built for modern art.

Although Joe Cibere is not an old master, he is a modern day master and his paintings can teach us lots.

Here is his original painting:
Original Joe Cibere - Red Field

Here are three photos of my attempt as my painting progresses.
This one is after the first wash. Buildings and road have been masked.

After the second wash:
 Final painting:
Danielle Beaulieu copy of Joe Cibere painting Red Field

