People in the East of Ottawa are lucky to have the Shenkman Arts Centre which celebrated it’s five year anniversary this spring.
This multidisciplinary arts centre holds a number of galleries for showcasing art in a variety of visual media. The galleries are operated by the City of Ottawa and the resident arts partners.
The arts centre has been more 22 years in the making dating back to 1987 when the former City of Gloucester passed a resolution to study the need for a community arts facility. To meet the diverse needs of the local arts community, the city decided to enter into a public private partnership to develop the Orléans Town Centre lands with a state-of-the-art arts centre at its heart.
The Shenkman Arts Centre has revitalized the community and has become a key focal point in the Orléans Town Centre from which arts programs can be offered to support the demand for activities in both English and French.
Some of the benefits of the Shenkman Arts Centre are:
- Serves non-profit and community arts groups in the east end of the city;
- Offers instructional classes for all ages, and combine community learning opportunities with presentation and exhibition venues for local arts into a single district facility;
- Provides much-needed spaces for performing arts presentations and visual art exhibitions, spaces for hands-on instruction in the visual, performing and media arts for all ages and abilities, and space for east-end non-profit arts organizations who would deliver the majority of the programs in collaboration with city operators;
- Houses the many artists and arts organizations that deliver a wide variety of activities, courses, performances, exhibitions, and services in several locations across the eastern district of the City of Ottawa.
Two of my paintings were accepted in that show and both were featured on the Ottawa School of Art website and promotional material for that show which runs from June 27 to August 3rd ;-)
Here I am explaining the process I undertook for one of my paintings during last Sunday's vernissage.
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