Receiving feedback

Most painters communicate their passion visually when they paint. Paintings illustrate the artist's individual vision. Like many domain, feedback, both positive and negative, provided by others plays its part in the creative development and expression. Therefore getting some external perspective on what we are creating provides useful critical feedback useful.

However, because of the solitary process and intimacy that develops with a painting, it is often difficult for artists to be subjective with their art. Heartfelt emotions are involved and often cloud objectivity.

Many art associations hold formal group critique sessions for its members. I always enjoy these sessions. At the next one that I'll attend in about a couple of days, I'll be bringing this recent painting for constructive feedback:

Danielle BEaulieu's watercolour of Mer Bleu bog
I'm hope that I'll receive a few observations that may prove helpful in improving this painting or its next iteration.

Have a great week
