Converting travel photos into paintings

In the past couple of weeks, I took thousands of photos of the south of France (a few will be posted on my regular FB page). My husband and I started in Nice and slowly drove to Carcassonne then back to our starting point. Most of the photos were for keeping memories but I also hope that some day I use these photos to make paintings from. Of course I have numerous photos of historical sites, but I also took a number of photos of flowers, including 59 photos of white roses ;-)

During this trip I brought a small painting kit and a produced few sketches during this trip. I wish I was more experienced in plein-air painting (on site). With time, I hope I will become faster at painting plein air. 

It was also impossible to paint in the evening in our hotel rooms since there is no spare space and the lighting is never good enough.

I realize that when I convert some photos into paintings in my studio, I may not have the same level of inspiration and enthusiasm as when I took the photos, but this certainly won't stop me from trying to paint some of the many photos that I have.

Here are the sketches that I created. They are far from my best work but considering that I was painting on a small tablet of paper on my knees, I'm satisfied with the results. When I look at these, I feel the enormity of the roman arena or the children playing in the park behind me or the strength of the aqueduct. 
Unfortunately, the lavender fields had been harvested and we didn't get to see the purple fields. However, I could very well see the lavender plants winding up sides of hills and imagine what they would look like in bloom.
Danielle Beaulieu watercolour sketches

Danielle Beaulieu watercolour sketches
Here is a photo of the children playing 1.5 meters behind me while I painted the two intersecting park walls.

The spirits of Paul Cézanne, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Vincent Van Goh are alive and well in many of the areas I visited - including Cezanne's studio and Renoir's house. Art galleries are everywhere in southern France and the glorious scenery captured by favourite French artists.

Have a great week,
