Adirondack Waterfalls in the Spring

With the last of the snow melting today (I hope), I'm reminded of the numerous rivers that flow as a result of the melting snow. Along the rivers, one can find small waterfalls.  There are numerous spectacular waterfalls in the Adirondack wilderness, that can be explored from the most remote to many roadside trails. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.  The best time of year to view waterfalls there is late spring into summer because of the snow melting from the mountains. 

My preferences are the waterfalls that have several small turbulent drops.    Although waterfalls with large drops appeal to some, the smaller ones along creeks feel so approachable. Who can resist bending over and feeling that very cold water through the fingers. Many waterfalls are not hidden and accessible through reasonable trails.

I enjoy seeing them and photographing them. Rendering water, in any form, is a difficult skill to master - waterfalls are not easy to paint in watercolours.  After drawing out the scene on the paper, I block out the areas that should remain white.   I then paint the rocks using various layers of  different pinks, blues and browns (warmer and cooler colours).  When it comes to painting the water, I try to use few colours because the water reflects the colours of the sky, the rocks and the vegetation.

Here is a waterfall that I'm working on. I'll be framing this in a barnwood frame that my husband made.
Danielle Beaulieu waterfall from Adirondack
I wish I had more time to paint more waterfalls to practice.  And I wish I had time to visit the Adirondacks in the coming weeks.
This weekend, I've been working on a different topic that is unusual and that probably a number of you may not recognize.  You'll have to wait till next weekend to find out what it is.

Have  a great week
