Last Spring I was at a flea market and saw an old wooden box full of various bits and other stuff. Immediately I knew I wanted to paint it with all of the rust in the box and on the bits.
I started drawing the painting in June and then set it aside because it seemed very complicated. Every few weeks, I would go back to it and add a bit more. Then I had enough details to start adding the watercolours. This is normally when the fun begins.
For this painting I need a variety of greys and started mixing different blues and browns to get some light ones and dark ones. Knowing this was going to take a while to paint, I mixed the colours in a separate palette. This meant I could use my regular palette to continue painting other things.
It's been a slow progress, but the painting of bits is finally finished. There are approximately 20 hours of work(aka fun) on this painting. Initially, I only worked an hour here and there but in the last weekends, I've been painting for lengths of 4 hours at a time. Here it is:
I'm calling this one "Another one Bits the Dust".
Today I will sign it and frame it.
The painting will be on display at the Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition 2016 at the Laurent Complex, 525 Rue Côté Street, Ottawa, ON from Sunday, September 18 to Thursday November 24, 2016.
I started drawing the painting in June and then set it aside because it seemed very complicated. Every few weeks, I would go back to it and add a bit more. Then I had enough details to start adding the watercolours. This is normally when the fun begins.
For this painting I need a variety of greys and started mixing different blues and browns to get some light ones and dark ones. Knowing this was going to take a while to paint, I mixed the colours in a separate palette. This meant I could use my regular palette to continue painting other things.
It's been a slow progress, but the painting of bits is finally finished. There are approximately 20 hours of work(aka fun) on this painting. Initially, I only worked an hour here and there but in the last weekends, I've been painting for lengths of 4 hours at a time. Here it is:
Today I will sign it and frame it.
The painting will be on display at the Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition 2016 at the Laurent Complex, 525 Rue Côté Street, Ottawa, ON from Sunday, September 18 to Thursday November 24, 2016.
Have a great week,
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