The Big Picture Project

I'm excited to be participating in the "Big Picture Project". This is a collective art project with artists from various areas collaborating to create a big mosaic picture from thousands of drawings and sketches.

It's even more exciting that this project originated in Canada. The team leading this project is building a big panoramic picture of a forest from thousands of paintings submitted by artists.   The team takes the mainly black and white jpg of the artist's drawings and sketches and then fills them in with colours to produce a harmonized large image. In the end the organizers will make a final print of the picture that will be 2 meters high (6 1/2 feet) and a maximum of 22 meters wide (72 feet).

Viewers can see a close up of the participating art by zooming in to see how it fits as a part of the whole. In addition to seeing the individual submissions, the viewer can also see the accompanying text submitted by the artist. Here is the link to see the progress of this initiative. ​​ You can search my name to see my submissions.

A number of months ago, I painted  one of the many loons that I saw last summer during a canoe camping trip. Here is another I painted in the past week. This picture is being featured as the picture of the month for the Big Picture Project.

Danielle Beaulieu watercolour loon  part of  Big picture project
Have a great week,
