Is the internet deterring people from going to art galleries

Do you remember the old days when you looked forward to going out to see galleries and got excited about a new exhibit and getting to meet the artist?  Has the internet changed that feeling?  Now most artists have websites and you can stay in the comfort of your own home and view the artwork an artist has produced?

Having a website (or Facebook page) is almost not an option for an artist due to its marketing purpose. Art admirers might check out the artwork online to decided if it's worth attending an exhibit opening.  However, seeing a painting online doesn't provide the same experience as seeing it it person.  I'm hoping that art admirers are still interested in going to see art in person.

Galleries are a place to build a community — a real, true social network — your art ecosystem, and that is important. It’s been this way forever. Warm body introductions are important.

This is a very busy week for me. Today (Sunday) is the vernissage for an exhibit with fellow artists (Maureen Rooney Mitchell and Mari Brown) in Ottawa's historic Byward Market Square. Thursday is the soft opening of the new gallery in the village of Cumberland with the grand opening of Da Artisti Studio & Gallery occurring Friday from 3 to 9pm.  Then on Saturday I have a local art show.

Here a are a couple of small sketches that I painted recently.
Danielle Beaulieu small paintings birches

Have a great week and hope to see you at one of the above events,
