In the past four weeks I've been working on a painting of a macro view of an old wheel. The number of hours on this one kept adding up. I probably put at least 30 hours on this painting. First it was drawing the bolts that required much attention and then it was the layers and layers of different paint colours to build up the shapes and colours. In the end, I'm pleased with how this painting turned out.
I'm calling this one "Out of Commission".
This painting will be on display at the Arteast Juried Award exhibit in a couple of weeks at the St Laurent complex.
The painting will also be part of my solo show of antique objects in December.
For my next painting I'll be focussing on a different topic.
Have a great weekend
I'm calling this one "Out of Commission".
This painting will be on display at the Arteast Juried Award exhibit in a couple of weeks at the St Laurent complex.
The painting will also be part of my solo show of antique objects in December.
For my next painting I'll be focussing on a different topic.
Have a great weekend
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