If you've never bitten into a fragrant sun-warmed tomato harvested fresh from your own garden, you haven't tasted a real tomato. Once you do, you'll never again be satisfied with this grocery store vegetable (OK I know they're technically fruits) that pass off for tomatoes. Fortunately, tomato plants are easy to grow and remarkably productive.
Although you can find tomatoes in any grocery store for a reasonable price when in season, nothing compares in taste to what you will harvest from your garden, even if planted in a pot. In addition, you know exactly what you are eating - no pesticides. Another advantage to growing your own is that you may grow varieties that taste so much better than those you'll normally find in any grocery store.
I've been growing my own tomatoes for as long as I can remember. For the last 20 years, I start my own plants indoors and grow about 50 plants that I use to make a variety of things, including my own tomato sauce and salsa.
If you don't have the space to grow tomatoes, grocery stores like Farm Boy sell a variety of tomatoes like those in my painting below. I like the sweetness of the yellow ones.
I should be able to start eating tomatoes from my garden in about 6 weeks.
Have a great Canada Day long weekend,
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