Nice weather

The nice weather may have arrived for a few months. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours in the garden getting it ready for the summer season. It's still early in the season and already I'm feeling torn between weeding and moving plants around and my watercolours.

Gardening can be considered both as an art, concerned with arranging plants and structures harmoniously in their surroundings, and as a science, encompassing the principles and techniques of plant cultivation. 

Here is my latest painting of a sunflower. After a few sunflowers, I'm moving on to something different.

12" X 24"
Here is the sunflower I completed with participants during my last workshop.

14" X 8.5"

I'm looking forward to today's workshop painting macaroons.  I've decided to paint them colours that remind me of the flavours that are my favorite (pistachio and capuccino).

Have a great week

