Experimenting with Greens

Some watercolorists do not buy premixed greens but instead mix their greens from various other pigments. Others only use greens out of the tubes. Although I have a few greens in tubes, I always mix them with another colour or I mix my greens from other basic colours to get a much larger range and most importantly,  to obtain greens that look natural.

I regularly play with my paints and create colour charts. What I discovered is that the range of greens one can create is endless, however many of the mixes looked extremely similar which suggests that some colours have little value.

This past week, I started a new small painting that is entirely green.  Since I spent lots of time in the garden and volunteered on other activities, I didn't get a chance to finish it.  In any event, here is my work in progress of some Japanese Painted ferns in my garden.

10" X 12", Title TBD

Here is the original photo

Have a great week,

