Rustic Look

I'm a fan of the rustic look as described as natural, rough, aged, and casual. The use of natural materials in the home and the garden has always had a special appeal - that means lots of wood and stone, including reclaimed and unfinished woods and stones. I especially like barn wood's inviting color palette and the coziness it gives off.  

In the past week, my husband built a frame from a board of barn wood. This piece of wood has the most beautiful knots and holes. The moment he started building a picture frame, I had to paint something for it ASAP.  Choosing the right subject was important.

I don't normally paint buildings, but a few months ago I enjoyed painted a farm yard.  I decided to try something new - painting old stones on an old building.  Here is my new painting that may well end up above my bed.

29" X 26" - Bedtime Story

Have a great week,

