It's been a while since I've painted more than one painting at a time. That's exactly what I've doing now. The advantage of doing this is that if one is stuck, it may get moved aside to ruminate while another steps to the front. It's also good to see the second painting on the easel and see it objectively to come up with better choices to advance each.
The painting that I'm further ahead is to be inserted into an old window frame that my husband is currently stripping to expose the natural wood. I'm working on a winter scene which is keeping me guessing as it's been a while since I've painted snow.
The other painting is a commission that will measure 36" X 16" and be mounted on a wall panel. I had a bit of a rough start. I tried to fully flatten a part of a roll of 300lbs Fabriano by stretching it. Unfortunately, when the paper dried, it was no longer big enough for the wall panel and the board it was taped to curved. That's the end of that paper and board. I'm now using a monster sheet and masked a number of the objects and slowly working on the background which are old porch boards.
Between teaching workshops, I work on one painting and then when that one is drying, I move to the next one.
I hope you are having a creative week,
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