Comparing your artworks to other artists

It is hard not to compare yourself to other artists. When sharing my artwork on social media, I obviously see other people's artworks.  I follow numerous talented watercolorists on Facebook and Instagram. 

I occasionally compare my artwork to others. Most of the time, when I see some amazing artworks, it inspires me and drives me to do better. Sometimes  I try to understand what makes their work fantastic and I ask myself if their is anything that I can adopt to make my artworks better.

Seeing artworks on social media feels like visiting and huge international gallery. That's a real treat.

Currently I'm working on four paintings. Here are three of them.

Here are two works in progress for classes that I'm teaching.  They don't have a lot of colours yet but that will come slowly. Each of these two projects will take approximately 3 weeks.  Stay tuned for more colours next week.

This one is slow coming. I've been working on for a few weeks and it will take a bit of a back seat as I focus on the two above.

Have a great evening

